Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Model of the Universe, Unification Principles: A Unified Field Theory


See and hear this exciting unfolding of a concept for a “Theory of Everything”  by prize winning physicist Nassim Harramein.   Seven-year-olds who have heard this presentation say, “don’t all scientist think this way?”  This intuitive model of the Universe is similar to a model I have been building in my mind since a young boy. 

Our first geometry lessons hampered us by creating a vision of non-existent points making lines and planes that stretch straight to endless infinity.  In this new view, all things are points, borne from a single parent point, embedded into one other, with each point containing the whole and connected to all other points.

All multiplication in our Universe is accomplished by dividing this cosmic unity.  The tetrahedron can be continually divided, (a four position foundation) producing an infinity of replicated tetra.  Here Infinity is contained in something finite.  The universe is a fractal projection, continually feeding-back information to the original parent, creating infinite growth.

I would like to add an important point: Unity is the harmony of Two.  Energy must be preceded by a sharing between harmonious pairs, the  Parents of the energetic form. This lecture is long (45o minutes) and after a few hours expands into the meaning ancient civilizations, symbols, religious quests, and concludes with the second coming of the Ark.  There is a remaining level of mystery, in understanding the essence of the Universal Parent and its immediate appearance in our lives. 

This lecture is great!!……

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The relationship between a moment and a lifetime……


"Your living body cannot be perfected unless your entire existence becomes a foothold for absorbing nutrients. This phenomenon occurs in the natural world. The crossroads of life do not appear over a long period of time but in a single moment.

People who ignore a moment fail to obtain something precious. They cannot become great people, nor inherit God’s throne and crown.  Thus, for the sake of one bright shining moment, exercise care with each word you utter, each action you take, and even each thought you entertain. Deal with life and solve problems, believing that the contents of your daily life will all remain as phenomena in relationship to the world. That is the only way the realm of victory is determined.

In this way, the realm of victory is determined in one moment. It is the same with the historical realm of victory and the cosmic realm of victory. Those who know the infinite value of one bright shining moment and live accordingly can become great people, even saints or God’s sons and daughters. In this way, the junction of life and death is crossed in a single moment.

Today, our attitude is the problem. Of course, it is necessary to first desire the coming of the kingdom and wish for the Will to be done. Yet, what is more important is how we ourselves can personally become one with God’s will." 

Cheong Seong Gyeong

Friday, October 9, 2009

……….instead of the Big Bang having been the primary energy force initiating the creation of the cosmos, it may have been the Big Twang!


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By David Eaton

The Greek concepts of the “harmony of the spheres” and the “harmony of the world” played heavily in to the idea of the interconnectedness of the cosmos. Aristotle asserted: "These are the effects of music: It awakes the remote counsel, brings closer the stray thought, and strengthens the tired mind. Music, therefore, causes the return (to the soul) of that which was lost; it makes us pay attention to that which was neglected, and that which is turbid becomes clear. He how has been exposed to this beneficial influence participates in every counsel and opinion, and finds the right one without error. He will fulfill his promise without delay."

Tibetan culture espoused the OM as the primal energy force. Lama Anagarika Govinda instructs: "Tibetan ritual music is not concerned with the emotions of temporal individuality, but with the ever-present, timeless qualities of universal life, in which our personal joys and sorrows do not exist. To bring us in touch with this realm is the purpose of meditation as well as of Tibetan ritual music, which is built upon the deepest vibrations that an instrument or a human voice can produce: sounds that seem to come from the womb of the earth or from the depth of space like rolling thunder, the mantric sound of nature, which symbolizes the creative vibrations of the universe, the origin of all things."

(read the full post at: )

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Good Friend, Mike Yurechko saves a life……with CPR….


I have been working on our companies corporate Health and Safety Program and had been focusing on the section of Emergency Management. In the section for First Aid I was hesitant to write in the part where you do CPR as this is something that seemed to be a bit beyond the ken of the average employee. I had a discussion with our production VP about providing everyone CPR training but we were undecided; what with all the defribuwhatevers, airway breathers, checking for pulse (who’s qualified to do that?) and was it 30 breaths and 10 pumps or 5 breaths and 10 pumps, and where was that point, the sternum (?) and  all that stuff that goes with it. We were undecided and went back to our desks to continue hacking away at our particular jobs.

An hour later there is a rumble and commotion from the direction of the boss’s office. I looked down the hall and saw the Beast.

The “Beast” is that particular level of energy that happens to bystanders when someone is down  and no one is in charge or knows what to do. My boss saw my head leaning around the corner and jerks his thumb towards the problem and says, “Mike, get in there!”

I knew what he was thinking. “Hey, you’re the safety guy. Do something!!” I was thinking, “ Oh man, I’m the safety guy, I gotta do something.  Hope I don’t mess this up!!”

Sure enough, there was one of our associates, slouched in the chair making some serious gurgling sounds. About 6 people were running around his chair dabbing water on his lips, trying to elevate his feet, franticly looking for a way to make this situation stop happening and to get out of having to do something they were not prepared to do…………..


YOU, call 911.

YOU, make sure she does it.

YOU, run over to the fire house and get help.


YOU, go with him.

Let’s get him on the floor

Is he responsive?


Is he breathing?



YOU, count with me.

Just before we started he gave what was clearly that last exhalation of the dying.

He died right in front of us.

Clear the airway

Tilt the head back

Breathe in his mouth

Dabble with his tongue and nose till you actually see the air filling his lungs

Pump 10 times

Breathe in his mouth

Don’t worry about the spit

Pump on his chest

Breathe in his mouth

Pump on his chest

Breathe in his mouth

Pump on his chest

(I really looked like I knew what I was doing because I made it a point to act like I knew what I was doing.)

(I would have paid good money to let someone else do it, but too late now)

Thank God, the firemen and EMT’s  that arrived about 10 minutes later and took over.  They jump started his heart and hauled him to the hospital.

That was yesterday. This morning he called from the hospital to thank us for saving his life.

I told him that I own him now and commanded him to be happy and love his family and friends for as long as he can.

What I learned from the EMT’s  is that even after that dying gasp, his heart went into spasms and so his lungs stopped sucking air in and out.

Normally, a few minutes lack of oxygen confirms the sentence and you are truly dead. CPR is all about keeping oxygen flowing to the brain until help arrives so you become the victims lungs and heart muscle.

In retrospect I did a few things wrong. I didn’t tilt the head back enough,  5 breaths 25 pumps. Etc. It made little difference. We got oxygen in there and because of that this morning he is worried about having left his car parked here overnight.

He was lucky that  professional help was only minutes away. But he was also lucky that we were able to buy him those few precious minutes. What I learned is that the real challenge is in facing the “Beast”. The “Beast” not only feeds on fear, panic, and anxiety it is also makes you reluctant to take charge of someone’s well being or perhaps even their life because of the specter of failure.

Now here’s the point.

Confidence kills the Beast.

Fear and anxiety is the Beast and is always present in these situations, but Confidence kills the Beast and acting confident can be just as effective as feeling confident. It’s a little harder on you and perhaps less fun but it allows you to get the job done.

Well me and the production VP are sure about one thing now.

CPR Training is for everyone!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It makes the Heart Move.......


I remember having a very interesting and enlightening conversation with my youngest son when he was four years old. We were looking through one of those Aesop fables stories and I thought, “Hmm, I wonder what a four-year-old’s definition of love might be. So I said, what do you think love is?” And he looked at me with these beautiful black eyes and said, “Love is what makes the heart move’. I thought that answer was better than something I could come up with, and I said, “So why is love something that makes your heart move?” And he said, “I love you, Omma, and I want to hug you and I want to kiss you and I want to be with you. And my heart moves me to just want to be with you.” I thought, what an incredibly beautiful answer.......... Injin

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Textbook of Nature teaches love for your children.


While fishing in a quiet bay, my solitude was disturbed by loud smashing sound under the hull of the boat.  I look into the clear water and to my amazement, saw a mother loon, repeatedly torpedoing her body into the 26' long boat with every once of her strength.  The boat had accidentally drifted upon her nest. I quickly responded to her demands and moved the boat.

After a forest fire in Yellowstone Park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.  One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.  As he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise.  She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her babies. Then the blaze had arrived and as the heat had scorched her small body, the mother remained steadfast.  Because she had been willing to die, those under the cover of her wings lived.

We were not left here without a manual on how to Love.

Please send your "Nature Lessons" to

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Considering Connections......


Connections are made beginning in extremely small places. Your individual self is also a life in which 400 trillion cells are connected. Among all beings in the ideal world of creation centered on God’s love – that is, the great universe – there is not even one that is born outside God’s heart. A poet who feels such a thing must be a great poet. If there were a poet who could feel and express the cosmic heart when he saw a shaking leaf, he would have to be a poet of the universe.  We have not thought about how everything in heaven and earth that unfolds around us without our being aware of it exists together with God’s love. When you enter into a mystical state of mind, you can see that the principle of the universe is contained in one small grain of sand and how the endless and inexhaustible harmony of the universe is contained in one atom. We cannot deny that all existence is a result of some unknown yet complex force. Beyond the molecules there are atoms, and beyond the atoms there are elementary particles. These things, rather than existing unconsciously, exist with a certain consciousness and purpose. Thus, you should thoroughly understand that all existing beings have come about through God’s loving hand. So they are inevitably connected to God in heart.   Oriental Wisdom

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Love of Truth

"The important thing is not all the complicated problems of the world, but finding the self that is not divided and does not struggle." Oriental Wisdom


Simply love and enjoy the small things. True love is not something pushed out of us by our will. It is not manifest in struggle. True love is "honestly" sharing the present moment together. It is being empty and there for one another with no presumptions and expectations. We find our original track, the happiness (happen-ness) we knew at the beginning of our life, before all these false things derailed us. The search for truth and love is so essential to finding our original "grove" - called Happiness. We find that the search for Love and Truth is really the search for "one" thing. Love & Truth are different sides of the same coin. We say God is Love & God is Truth. All things (reflecting their creating cause) have a vibrational/non-thing/emotional side and a solid/thing/reasonable side. The color red, has an understandable ratio of vibration and at the same time evokes an emotional response. Here lies the importance of "relationship" in the Love of Truth. When ever & where ever Love and Truth are, Love is latent in Truth and Truth is latent in (true) Love. As we discover in this study, the quest for Truth & Love is completed where God is protected as treasure deep in the heart of the relationship between a Man and a Woman.

Our original mind is the "best" teacher, better than me, better than parents, better that even the Father.  Let that original mind, seated at the pinnacle of conscience be our eternal guide.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Whole Truth

"Good for Nothings" moralize & judge others. Don't they know, the truth is already in all of us. We need to bring it out. Remind each other. Assist each other in our re-ordering.  Shattered hearts haphazardly assemble their affections and struggle in the contradictions of that overlaying mosaic.

So I thought..... What is the most amazing thing? Is it the Tag Mahal, or the structure of a snowflake?

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Is it a meadow in the mountains at sunset, or geese one with their mates, crossing the sunrise.


Or is it a new born child's eye.

I have been a searcher, dreamed amazing dreams and had beautiful visions. I walked in the spirit world............................ but I have never been as fulfilled, mystified and close to heaven as my first look in my child's eyes.  From where did this miracle arrive?

I see.... then as he said, the most sacred thing must be the relationship of a man and woman.  The Holy Palace, where they meet, is the wellspring of New Eternal Lives.  Forgive me, I should have know from the beginning. The tapestry of my affections were confused and contradicted that deepest True Love.

But now it's clear...

roshan on mountian