Technologies are now being developed that can record mysterious transfers of energy as seen from the snap shots above, taken from the video below: 1. energies in a meditation group, 2. sinister forces around a cocaine addict, 3. and energetic pyramid within Stonehenge.
Scientist 'Harry Oldfield' has discovered filters bring to light the energy fields hidden within nature. He began by working with Kirilian photography in the the early 70's. Harry later invented a process for 'light staining' through microscope and camera lenses that reveal the energetic world within.
In the video embedded below, we see amazing detail in 'living' organisms like the beating heart of a water flea. We see a man's 'energetic arm' where the physical arm has been amputated. We witness the energy field of a child in his mothers womb.
Harry later developed a video filtering technique that has reveals a group's meditative energies circulating, sourced from a crystal skull. We experience energetic structures at Stonehenge, and finally, just as Native American legends predicted, we see video footage of a vortex in the mist of Niagara Falls (see 3 pictures below).
Harry does say in the video that he is making his filters economically available to everyone, so more of us can join in the study. I have assembled the 11 YouTube videos into one video on livestream:
Watch live streaming video from gratefulseed at
Click here for the 11 YouTube Videos of Energy Fields Revealed