Thursday, April 14, 2011

Introducing the ‘Grow Fiddle’

The Grow Fiddle

Einstein said something like this: "The most un-comprehensible thing about our universe is the fact that it 'is' comprehensible".

I am just a simple architect developing and exercising my visualization skills to help others detail and visualize their dreams.  But my heart always burns with a love longing to understand our natural world; where it comes from, why is it here, and why are we here. That quest has lead me to not only a profound understanding of the core underlying principle of our world, but also to realizing how vital that understanding is to fulfilling the longings of our hearts. 

'Uni' means One, but the etymology of 'verse' is to turn, bend, from one side to the other.
verse c.1050, "line or section of a psalm or canticle," later "line of poetry" (c.1369), from Anglo-Fr. and O.Fr. vers, from L. versus "verse, line of writing," from PIE base *wer- "to turn, bend" (see versus). The metaphor is of plowing, of "turning" from one line to another (vertere = "to turn") as a plowman does.
We see that our entire Universe is constructed of and for relationships of love.  Within every vibration exists the essence of the 'Grow Fiddle'.  It is discoverable and understandable.  We are uncovering the 'Generator' of the Universe, understanding the turning and blending 'Verse' in the Universe.

This is an introduction to a worksheet exploring key 'insights' into the inner workings of reality.  Behind the vast complexity of our universe, a profound and simple principle is at work.

I am including central persons who, as in the fable of the blind sages and the elephant, have focus all their sincerity, sensitivity, mental and heart power in describing one part of that elephant (the elusive 'Grow Fiddle').  By seeing their work in unison, the image of the 'elephant' is coming clear.

I have included links to web pages and videos so we can continue to study and explore these profound ideas.

I have placed them in order: from basic and focused to most profound and expansive; from the smallest concepts and structures in the Universe to the human, his mind and body, and the society he builds.  I conclude with an effort to understand with the aid of this sublime tool, the most complex and mind boggling mystery of all, human love relationships.

I will continue to update this worksheet and build this model.  I am sure that insights gained from this model can help us live a most beautiful life.

Table of Contents
    1. Table of Contents
      1. Vortex Based Mathatics
      2. The Resonance Project
      3. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -
      4. Synergetics
      5. Unification Thought
      6. Unification (Divine) Principle
      7. Practical Contributions:
          1. Rodin- coil
          2. Fuller- Geodesic dome:
          3. Moon- realizing this principle within individuals and families
      8. Developmental Notes and Conversations:
        1. The Golden Ratio

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